Gorsebank GoPro

I’ve had a GoPro for a few months now, but never really got round to using it across winter to be honest. Whether it’s video content or stills, I see some pretty crazy stuff created by people using GoPros, and only wish I could produce something near that level.

I want to focus some time on videography in the future, so I’m sure I’ll be spending a lot more time with GoPros while learning and practicing.

In the meantime, here’s just a few shots from our weekend away at Gorsebank, nothing in particular, just Emma snapping away here and there. She likes simple cameras, don’t have to worry about settings, push a button, then no editing at the end of it.

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A Weekend Away at Gorsebank

Last weekend we took a weekend off work and everything else and headed south to Gorsebank, a camping village which is located in Dalbeattie, not too far from Dumfries. A weekend away with very little phone signal, no email access, and so on, was much needed, and where better to spend it than in the lowlands of Scotland.

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