
If you’re from Aberdeen then you know of Tunnels – a live music venue which coincidentally enough is in a tunnel which goes underneath Union Street. It’s not exactly the nicest of places, but it’s the route I walk every day when I go from where I park my car to our office, so I’ve gotten a little used to it.

I snapped a few pictures when I was passing through the other day as I had my camera out but only the 50mm lens which wasn’t the greatest for the space, but I’ll take a few minutes to shoot it with something wider when I get the chance.

There’s a car park in the tunnel and it’s lights are operated by sensors, but I’ve never had the balls to essentially walk into a pitch black car park to turn the lights on. This one time, and the main reason I bothered to take some pics, was because the lights were on!

They’re also currently doing some work in the empty tunnels across from Tunnels itself, which looks to be another good spot for a venue, so will be interesting to see what comes from that.








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